Kevin's ingenious wrapping job. So crafty. |
David and Michelle at work on their portraits. |
So, for my birthday activity I decided that I'd get everyone to dabble in artistic endeavors. We all drew names and painted a portrait of whomever's name we drew. The fam was a little skeptical at first but everyone ended up enjoying it.
Everyone with the painting that was done of them. |
for me to get caught up in the busyness of the day to day that I really lose sight of all the people that love and support me and vice versa. When I was serving an LDS mission in Hungary several of my Tanner cousins were serving at the same time as me and each night as I prayed I included each of them, by name, in my prayer. I felt so much strength and faith from them. On some days, the thought of them doing what I was doing in some other place in the world was what got me through, bolstered my spirits and pushed me forward. I recently realized, after a few cousins let me know
that they were praying for us in our desires to
have children, that the support and power I felt in
my family and friendships didn't have to end with
my full-time missionary service. We all have people who love us dearly and most of all a loving and perfect Heavenly Father who will never stop loving us. And a Savior who has already given everything for us to be able to develop the charity that
perfects us and allows us, such imperfect beings, to become like Him.
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Me and my Red Velvet Cake of Glory! |
On a less serious note, have I mentioned how much I LOVE birthday cake? This year's was of the Red Velvet variety. First time. For years I've had a German Chocolate cake or an ice cream cake. But this year, I just couldn't get rid of the hankering for Red Velvet. Courtesy of Kevin's creativity it was literally bursting with candles, another first for me. (Caution: if you plan on trying this at home be sure to put newspaper under the cake to catch the wax drippings.) Last awesome tidbit about the cake: glitter frosting for the letters. What? Yep, you heard me right, what will they think of next? (Caution 2: I hear that in large quantities the glitter frosting doesn't taste too great so, use sparingly.)
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Can you see the ring of fire? Sweet action. |
Kevin doesn't like cake.
Who's excited? |
Really, Kevin doesn't care for cakes, cookies (except for the occasional "cookies for breakfast craving" which is bizarre because he doesn't like cookies OR breakfast, but that's a tragedy for another time), or pastries...But he does love a good fruit pizza. I think he'd honestly be just as happy with a big bowl of fruit but I have my limits. It has to somewhat resemble a birthday cake. So, I made a fruit pizza for Kevin. He kept asking if we could put more fruit hence the "layered" feel. I do love fruit pizza, though how could you not love something topped with mounds of fresh fruit?
Jam Berry Jam. | friend extraordinaire. Nicole has been my best friend for 18 years now. For my birthday she made me Van Gogh's "Starry, Starry Night" cupcakes. It was such a delightful gift, she is a rock star.
Well, happy birthday to all...and to all a good night.