So, as anyone who knows me is aware, I travel to interesting and exotic places as a geology student. This last weekend I had the opportunity to go to Southern Utah and Arizona. Best field trip ever (aside from the Bahamas)! Here are some pictures.

Mid way up the peak at Antelope Island we found this cool slate outcrop that the pioneers used to mine for roof tiles and blackboards.
Really old gnarly tree even farther up the mountain
Brock (my best friend in our program here at BYU-I) and I at the top (For the record, I beat him up to the top).
Kolob Canyon. It is unreal how beautiful this area is. I couldn't take a picture that would do it justice.
another ditto
We had to claim the land for Spain.
I took this picture of our lone tent in the moonlight. I think it is kind of spooky.
We did some night climbing on the sandstones and I documented it.
More climbing
I took this shot at 11 at night. You can see the stars above the cliff. Pretty sweet eh? I used a 30 second exposure to get this much color and light in the final image.
Our night canyoneering crew
more night climbing
more night climbing
still more night climbing
Slacklining on a wire on top of the Hurricane Fault in S. Utah.