We had so much fun this Halloween, mostly because our oldest is finally old enough to be excited by the activities involved. (and to actually say "trick or treat")
We "partied" more for Halloween this year than we ever have, which for some isn't say a whole lot... but we had so much fun. I think Halloween really was meant to be enjoyed with little kids.
We had a pumpkin party with a couple of our friends with pumpkin carving or decorating and pumpkin themed treats. Such a blast. Lee LOVED his jack-o-lantern so much, if it was up to him we would have kept a candle going in it all day every day the entire week.
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Lee had his own pumpkin decorating techniques... |
Lee had an awesome Fall Festival at his preschool the week of Halloween. He had a parade and trick or treating, crafting and treats AND Papa took a little bit of time off work to be the one there with him, so Lee was in absolute heaven.
(That school, man, everyone that I've interacted with from their staff truly LOVES working with these sweet young kids and it makes all the difference. I'm so glad that Lee gets to interact with all of them.)
when he spotted Papa. |
That same night we had a Trunk or Treat and chili cook off with our church congregation, such a fun idea, I haven't been to one since I was a little kid and living in Texas.
We really lucked out and got to borrow some awesome costumes from my brother and SIL, again, Halloween was meant to be enjoyed with little kids, not much cuter than a baby or toddler all dressed up in something adorable or hilarious.
trunk or treat fun with their cute little friend Ryan |
We took the boys trick or treating with some friends and cousins around our neighborhood, So much fun. Most everyone in our neighborhood goes pretty all out in the Halloween decoration department so there are fun lights and decor everywhere. Many are even dressed up and out enjoying the night in their driveways. And goodness, this year the weather could not have been more perfect. Just crisp enough to feel amazing. I can't say I miss the layers of sweats we always had to wear under our costumes growing up in Utah or the occasional snow...
Lee was hilariously intent on racing from house to house and when someone wasn't home he'd tell us "that house not working" and run to the next house.
Lee and his cousins the pirate fairies. |
We finished off the holiday with an evening of Phase 10, too much food and lots of laughing with my brother and SIL once the kids were in bed. Happiest Halloween to date.
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