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This is a 3D ultrasound taken at 29.5 weeks as part of a study I've participated in at the hospital. |
On top of trying to balance all of those emotions, I'm trying to work through the necessity of three different "birth plans", if you will;
1)Baby McGuire comes early and Kevin hasn't left for his internship yet.
2)Baby McGuire and I are looking good a week early and they induce me so Kevin can be here.
3) Kevin has started his internship and I just hope he can fly back in time for the delivery.
Ha. If you know me well at all, you'll also know that I have a NEED for planning ahead and organization, it's a big way I keep myself from being/getting anxious. Usually. In this case, it's not really an option and again, I find myself having to rely fully on the Lord's will and perfect knowledge rather than the vast array of unknowns that I have available to me. I have felt peace and deep down I know that I can handle whatever scenario is right but there is that part of me that clings to having control that gets a bit anxious from time to time. I feel like the Lord keeps offering me ample opportunities to prove that I trust Him and find my peace and hope in His plan.
I feel like I've had a lot of things that have helped me deal with my impatience and anxiety these last months though. First, I've been blessed to have a calling working with the Mia Maids in my ward that keeps me involved and active in my ward; it has also blessed me with a means to get to know a lot of wonderful women and young women in our ward. I've also been blessed by keeping myself busy during the day with all my projects and tasks. I've found that having craft projects and even cleaning and organization goals has helped me stay busy and also has helped me feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in this adjustment period of time. I've also been tremendously blessed by keeping in touch with people and getting together with so many of my friends that live close by right now. It has helped to remind me how many people Heavenly Father has put in my life in the past years to bless and change my life dramatically. With the extra time I have right now I've tried to stay closer to the Spirit, by expanding and limiting different things. Expanding the time and effort spent studying the scriptures everyday has brought a tangible difference into my life and our home, as it always seems to do. Limiting the amount of media we/I view each day has made a huge difference as well. Kevin and I were feeling a bit "dull" and we were trying to figure out exactly why. I found myself feeling anxious most nights as we went to bed without being able to pin point a reason why. All we could figure out was that maybe watching TV for the while between dinner and bed was the culprit of the problem. So, we decided to try a pretty strict limit and see if it made us/me feel any different. We decided to limit our media "consumption" to no more than an hour or one movie a day, if any. I had some trepidations at first, after all, I spent a majority of my days, cleaning or sewing and watching TV or a movie were a natural way to pass the time. But I also knew that I didn't like the way I felt, so we went ahead with our "experiment". Our limits have done wonderful things for us, we've found that we spend much more time actually Communicating when we're in each others' company, the dullness of senses is gone, I don't feel anxious when we go to bed, and I've found that the lack of media during the day has allowed me to have much more time to think, ponder and pursue other interests, like reading, (but reading should actually be classified as a passion not an interest). I've also found I've had time to start keeping a journal again which has been a really helpful way for me to identify and work through emotions and situations, not to mention the opportunity to have a record of the big and little things going on in our lives right now. As we've discussed the effects of our "experiment" Kevin and I both identified one of the biggest blessings as the huge increase in the Spirit in our home, there is a peaceful and happy feeling that is so much stronger. I feel like media can be a taboo subject for many but, I would recommend an experiment like ours to anyone and everyone. I hope that none of what I've shared sounds preachy, I feel my weaknesses and what I lack keenly but I Have seen ways the Lord has helped me feel different, better and more liberated from feelings that aren't from the Spirit.
I'm so grateful for the Lord's plan, for the Atonement that blessedly allows me daily opportunities to fix the many mistakes I make every day. We focused on 2 Nephi 31:20 in Sunday School yesterday and I've been thinking about it ever since. I am so grateful that we don't have to rely in "the arm of flesh" for the good things we want to have happen in our lives, or to put our trust in. I'm so grateful that relying in the Lord offers So much more than relying on men ever could;
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
So in my imperfect way...I'm waiting for baby McGuire.
Here are a few more pictures.
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Hey Michelle, I saw the link to your blog on Facebook today. Those ultrasound pictures are beautiful. That last two months of waiting and wondering can be so hard. There are so many unknowns.
ReplyDeleteI always like to give this advice to ladies around 32 weeks because I wish someone had for me. If you have sudden swelling in your face, hands, and feet you should get checked by your doctor because that's a sign of toxemia.
Other than that, just enjoy the wait, your baby will be in your arms soon enough and it's the best time in the world. :)
DeleteSo far so good in the swelling department, I've been trying to pay attention for possible toxemia, man, aren't there so many crazy things that can happen to a body when it's pregnant?!
I'm so excited for you, Michelle! I also felt through my pregnancy and the first several months of Aria's life like some terrible trial must be around the corner because I was so incredibly blessed. But nothing like that has happened and I think you're right that thankfully God doesn't work that way. :)
ReplyDeleteYour post really made me want to spend my time better, especially when it comes to TV and internet. It can be so easy to let those kinds of things eat up my time and take away chances to contemplate more important things. Thank you for your great example! Hope to see you again sometime soon! It's been way too long!
DeleteThank you, we are so excited. Isn't it funny how we struggle through hard things and fear them sometimes during the good things? Maybe it's something that will take a bit longer to fully overcome...
As far as spending time goes, I feel like I'll be forever evaluating and re-evaluating how I'm doing in that department, there are just so many things we Can do with our time now, it's easy to get stuck in the "mediocre" and skip the best.
Cute baby! I love ultrasound pictures, especially the 3D ones! I know what you mean, I totally think something bad has to happen in order for something good to happen too. But it is not the case. Good things happen, and bad things happen in life and they don't always equal out. I think usually if we look hard enough and think long enough about it, more good happens to us than bad. Don't feel guilty. Be happy! I have felt guilty before about being picked so fast in the adoption world while I have friends who are still waiting 3+ years. But I just know that it was meant to be at that time, and am grateful to be a mom. You will love it and be great at it! Good luck with the wait, I'm the most impatient person ever, so I know how you are feeling! Counting down the days is torture!!! But how fun to have something so amazing to be counting down to!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kira. Everything about the situation really is a reminder that Heavenly Father is in charge of what happens in our lives and when those things happen, but it doesn't take away the pain of waiting or watching others wait for good things. Ah, so much to learn how to handle well, the good and the bad, ironically.
DeleteI hope that you and your cute kids have been doing well.
I am trying to be patient with the waiting but, ehhhh. Not so good at it. :)
His ultrasound pictures are beautiful! I couldn't be more happy for you. I'm so glad you are getting close to the spirit. It is something that I have been "trying" to work on. Life gets so crazy that you gotta get rid of some stuff so you have time for the things that matter. Thanks so sharing! You have a beautiful way of writing. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Shirley,
DeleteIt was actually a fun surprise because the people we were working with at the hospital never told us that the last ultrasound would be 3D, so we weren't expecting it at all. I'm glad it worked out that way though. He was so big at 29.5 weeks that the normal ultrasound was really hard to see much, since all it could fit was a part of his arm or leg, etc...
I think trying to have the Spirit in our lives more is one of those things that we really have to be readjusting to do all the time, it is just SO easy to get casual or distracted, right? Bah, I wish I could just stay 100% consistent but...that's not really life anyway.
Thanks by the way, I love to write for my own processing, but it always makes me a bit nervous to share.