Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Holidays from us to you.

Happy Holidays.

As our year comes quickly to a close we are overwhelmed with the blessings and growth opportunities we’ve received daily.  We are so grateful for our blessings this year, including all of you.

Kevin: Loves his relationship with our boys as they are getting old enough to realize that Papa is the “fun” one, he also loves getting to know his first daughter. He is enjoying feeling more confident in is work as he started his 2nd year in his work as a Petroleum Geologist.  Loves being active, as always, has enjoyed competing competitively in a couple of races and a triathlon this year.

Michelle:  Happy (and busy) to be a mother of three babies. (Our oldest turns 3 the end of April) Loves having an outlet to create and make art with the opening of an Etsy shop this year. Has fallen in love with running. Is completely loving having our baby GIRL join our family just in time for Thanksgiving this year.

Lee (32 months): Loves organizing everything and fixing things. (With his pretend tools.) He soaks up new information like a sponge and wants to learn about everything. He loves his experience attending an AMAZING preschool twice a week.

Drew (18 months): Talks constantly, and some of what he says is intelligible now. :) He is stubborn as an ox, with a heart of gold.  He shows love very openly, often randomly coming up and giving hugs around our legs and asking for kisses.  He has the greatest chuckle and has a naturally happy temperament.

Annalise (1 month): This sweet girl has changed our family dynamic drastically; she has brought a tangible and special feeling into our home. She is adored and gently loved by both her brothers. (quite a feat) She is calm and sweet in the midst of the loudness and busyness of a house with toddler brothers.

We are most especially grateful for our Savior and His incredible Atonement that makes our progress and our family’s eternal potential possible.

Love, The McGuire Family