Monday, January 28, 2013

"Slightly anemic" feeding woes.

At Lee's 9 month doctor appointment last week I found out that he is slightly anemic. His doctor said that its fairly common at this age and prescribed an iron supplement to be given once a day.
The first time I gave him the dropper full right after he ate solids and.... He threw up everything he'd just eaten. So today I tried mixing it in with his food. After force feeding him a few bites. He almost threw up again. And it was a mess trying to feed him. So currently we stand;
iron supplement 2: mom 0.
I have no idea what to do, any suggestions?

(evidently it's pretty funny to Lee.)


  1. The next thing I would try is giving him the dropper while he's in the bath and at least half an hour after eating. You may still have to force it on him, but at least if he's in the tub the mess won't be a big deal. If he throws up again then I would call his dr. Good luck!

  2. Brady had to do that too. I can't remember what we did. When we did the cereal we put it in there. We also put his fav fruit in with it. I wonder if you could do half and then half later? You should definitely call his doctor and see if they have any suggestions. GL!
