Thursday, January 15, 2015

when sister came to town.

My sister Annalise got home from serving an LDS mission this summer (see post here) and we hadn't seen her since then until she flew out to visit us right after she finished up another semester at BYU right before Christmas.

We were SO excited to see her and especially to have her meet her namesake, baby Annalise.

As all times with Annie seem to go, our time together was filled with good food, lots and lots of laughter, (generally the unflattering kind...) and so many good chats.

We took Annie to a couple of our favorite places to eat and (my personal favorite) she and Kevin cooked up loads of delicious things for us to eat.

Annie was the one behind the camera for our family pictures (see post here) and a huge part of the reason we kept laughing.

Annie knows me SO well, I guess being sisters forever can teach you a thing or two about what matters a lot to each other, she cleaned my whole house for me before she left because she knows how important that is to me and how it makes me feel loved.  She cuddled my babies (if you ask her they're "her babies") and forced me to relax.

The time flew by way too quickly and before we knew it it was Christmas Eve and she was headed back to spend the holiday with the rest of my family.

We loved our time with Auntie Annie so much, and even though we talk basically every day on the phone, it's just not quite the same, come back!! 

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