Friday, October 17, 2014

brother matty: senior photo shoot (what a looker)

Kevin and I got to take some Senior pictures of my youngest brother while we were in Utah. It's so fun to take pictures of people we're close to. Plus Kevin says the most ridiculous things to make people feel at ease and comfortable when they are getting their pictures taken, it is very amusing.
(And of course I finally just got them all edited, but, hey he's not even quite halfway through his Senior year so I'm good, right?)

Matty is and always has been sensitive to how other people are feeling. When he was still tiny he could always tell if my mom was a little sad or if someone needed a hug. Matty has become quite the stellar uncle, Lee is completely completely obsessed with "Matt".  Whenever we visit he spoils the boys with attention and love, always offering to put them to bed or coming home with friends especially to play with them. He is ridiculously intelligent and has an endless supply of random facts to share. Matty is also pretty hilarious, in an old-man humor kind of way. While I was serving as an LDS missionary in Hungary for 18 months he was still pretty young and every month or so my mom would have him and my brother David write me a little note on Sunday. Without fail every note I received from Matty was a Laffy Taffy joke...every time. He has always been quick to remind me how old I am too, (I'm 11 years older than him.) "you're getting old Shelle." It's pretty funny.

I am so grateful to have grown up in a family with each of my five siblings, they are all so different but my goodness we have a great time together.  I'm grateful my mom pushed through what had to be years of complete insanity when we were young because having all of my siblings means the world to me. 

We sure had a blast taking these pics Matty.

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