Friday, October 10, 2014

toddler cookie decorating= sugar overload.

Growing up I could count on decorating sugar cookies every year for Halloween and Valentine's Day.  We'd usually decorate the cookies for our activity for our Monday night family time together and deliver plates around the neighborhood.

Anyway, when I had a play date for the boys coming up this week I thought, "I should make sugar cookies for everyone to decorate, the boys would love it." But a lot of me also thought, "your house is still in shambles since the renovation, you have a endless to-do list, etc....." But this time the part of me that really does want to be a fun mom won out (yea!) and I decided to go ahead with it. It will probably always feel easier not to do extra things, right? Plus all the girls coming were nice enough to supply everything else, so that made it way easier too.

*ps, I tried out a new sugar cookie recipe: for all you Utahns it's a Swig Sugar Cookie knock off and they were delicious (so much good food in that valley, I didn't know what a good thing I had when I had it) though I'm dying to make them again with their signature sour cream frosting too: recipe here.

Lee and his little bestie Ryan had the best time...trying to eat as much frosting and candy decorations as possible when we weren't looking.  Ha. Lee didn't even want to frost a cookie, waste of time, evidently.  

I didn't even give Drew a chance, just supplied him with a cookie and a few candy corns. He was quite content. :)

As always, it was great to get together with some really good friends and chat, even if the kind of conversations that happen at this stage of life always leave me feeling like we have a million things we started talking about with no endings... I know the toddler madness (and joys) won't last forever.

I LOVE FALL and it's so fun to start sharing my favorite traditions with my boys.

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